Florida's ESE Parent Survey - Open until June 30th
Calling all parents of students with Individual Educational Plans (IEPs)
The Florida Department of Education wants to hear from you!
Take the survey on the web at: https://bit.ly/2025-ESEParentSurvey
Atención padres de alumnos con Planes Educativos Individuales (IEP). El Departamento de Educación de Florida quiere saber su opinión.
¡HAGA VALER SU OPINIÓN! Complete la encuesta en la web en: https://bit.ly/2025-ESEParentSurvey
N ap rele tout paran ak pitit ki gen yon Plan Edikasyon Endividyalize (Individual Educational Plans, IEP).
Depatman Edikasyon Florida vle tande sa ou panse.
FÈ YO TANDE VWA OU! Fè sondaj la sou entènèt la nan: https://bit.ly/2025-ESEParentSurvey